Here is a link that will allow you to watch Dr. Brooks's address.
It's so interesting that people don't often realize that giving really does make life better. People seem to think that donating money or time will put them behind financially. Dr. Brooks presents data that proves that donating time and money actually makes people better off--better off financially, emotionally, and physically. People who give are more likely to be happy and physically healthy. They are thus more likely to perform well in the workplace, thus making companies more successful. He also made some very interesting comments on the psychology of giving. If you have 45 minutes or so to watch this address, I'd encourage you to do so. Dr. Brooks is a wonderful speaker, and I'm looking forward to reading his books.
Books by Arthur C. Brooks:
- Gross National Happiness: Why Happiness Matters for America—and How We Can Get More of It
- Who Really Cares: The Surprising Truth About Compassionate Conservatism
- Social Entrepreneurship