Anywhoodles... Update. School is absolutely insane. The only reason I'm writing this post is that one of my classes got out 30 minutes early (BONUSSS!!!!), so I have some time to spare. I'm somehow keeping up with my grades and whatnot, but I'm losing sleep like woah. That also means that I'm highly succeptible to sicky bugs, hence the sore throat/sniffles that currently plague me. ('S no biggie. I'll get over it. I was dramatizing so I could use the word "plague." It's a good 'un!)
Despite the insanity of school this week (and last week and the week before, and probably next week), things are pretty good. The other day, I had the feeling that I might have actually learned something in one of my classes. It was nuts, yo. And today I found out that I got the highest score in the class on my last statistics test. Woo! :) Sorry, I had to gloat just a teensy bit. At any rate, things are alright. I'm a teaching assistant for an honors civilization class, and so far I'm not completely incompetent. (I have my good moments.) I usually find time to go to the gym (love love love!!!) at least three times a week; therefore, I'm not turning into a complete flabby blob of stress. This is a Good Thing.
Anyway, this is getting boring. Pictures are better. Enjoy!