Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Miracles happen

So, about five minutes ago I was looking through a shoebox of cards/notes/sentimental items that people have given to me. I found a birthday card from my grandma. It was a very sweet card. She always customizes our birthday cards by writing a personalized, original poem in them, and then printing a photo of us. She's a great card-maker. THIS card, from my most recent birthday, was an especially cool find at this moment because. . . . it had 20 bucks in it!!!!!!!!! Wooooo!!!! Yes, that $20 has been sitting in there since early March, unbeknownst to me.

Why am I rejoicing so much over this $20? Well, mostly because I am completely broke right now. Let me diagram the situation for you.

Here's me: (me), here's poverty: (poverty).

Poverty and me, we're like this:

Yup, we're sharing parentheses. That's how close we are.

Anyway, I'd just like to take this moment to thank my grandma for allowing me to eat this week. Thanks, Grandma!

(And thanks, Sentimental Shoebox, for acting as an interest-less savings account for the past five months!)

1 comment:

Kara L. Barney said...

If you ever need anything, please let me know--money, food, whatever! I'm here for you any hour! Love you!