Thursday, August 11, 2011

Awkward and Awesome Thursday

It's a well-known fact that I only write on this blog when I'm avoiding something important.  Usually it's finals or homework, but today it's not.  You know why???

Because I'm GRADUATING!  And that means that the final I took this morning was my final final of my undergraduate career.  To be honest, I am a little sad inside.  I've loved my time in college and I can't wait to start back up again with graduate school.  But there are other things that must transpire first.  We'll talk about those things later.

But for now, since I'm practicing avoidance behavior (avoiding packing and cleaning my apartment before I move out), let's do a blog post!  Since it's Thursday, I'll do an Awkward and Awesome post.


  • Slipping and almost falling flat on my back while coming home from the testing center today.  What did I slip on?  A plum, of course.
  • Me muttering to myself (literally out loud) and writing in the air with my finger while taking my Chinese exam today.  It helps me remember the tones, ok?!?
  • People seeing my completely empty fridge.  A girl in my apartment complex needed to store some wedding food in my fridge, so she came over and there was a liiiiiiittle awkward moment when I opened the fridge door and it was absolutely empty inside except for a few bottles of jam and mustard.  I'm not starving and I'm not poor, I PROMISE.  I'm just moving out of my house!
  • Cleaning my former roommate's bedroom and finding an old Cafe Rio cup half-filled with... something.  She moved out several weeks ago.  Eeew.
  • My cap and gown.  The little hat is so weird!  And just like in high school, the tassel keeps getting stuck in my eyelashes.
  • The guy distributing caps and gowns and free alumni t-shirts.  "So what size are you?" He looks me up and down and says, "Wait, I think I know......"  That's not creepy at all, sir.  I ALWAYS appreciate it when complete strangers overtly make assessments of my body.  Thankssomuch!
  • I'm graduating!  That's kind of awesome!
  • The fact that when people say, "Wow, you're graduating!  So what are you going to do next?" I can say, "I'm going to Disneyland!"  Because I AM going to Disneyland!
  • I totally quit my job last week.  I am free.  So free.  So happy.  So glad to be rid of orange hats and angry strangers yelling at me on the phone.
  • While this week has been the busiest of my life, it has been one of the best because I've had a chance to hang out with some of my very best friends.  My friends are the Nutella on my crepe of life.
  • Vanilla coffee creamer + almond milk.  WowwWWwwwW.
  • This photographer and her awesome projects. (Clickety click the link and seeeeee.)
  • Pretty much a lot of things are awesome right now.  Good job for being awesome, life!


brooke said...

I really like you. I'm glad you have a blog. :)

Sarah said...

this post made me smile. i am so proud and happy and excited for you!

Kailee said...

Sooo I happened upon your blog just now and think you should post again! Because this is kind of a wonderful blog. That is all :)