Wednesday, April 28, 2010

New semester, new place, new poverty

It is now the second day of classes for Spring term. So far, I'm lovin' it! This is the first time I've attended school for Spring. Campus is super peaceful and quiet, and my classes are pretty small, which is great. I'm taking adolescent developmental psych and social psych. Hopefully I won't come out of this semester acting like an anti-social juvenile delinquent. We'll see.

I've also moved into a new apartment. Moving is such a hassle... I'm glad I have my family close by to help me. Special thanks to my mom, who can lift heavy boxes like a champion. My new apartment is considerably smaller than the place I moved from. It has been an adventure fitting all of my stuff into my bedroom, which is about half the size of my old room. Eek. My roommate and I have had to get kinda cozy with storage. The clothes in her closet are touching the clothes in my closet.... cuz we share a closet. Eep.

Despite the cramped living conditions, I think the next four months will be fun. I have two new roommates--Kara and Kelsey--and I'll meet my new ward this week.

The only thorn in my side right now is the U-word. Unemployment. My teaching assistant job is over for now, since the class is only taught Fall/Winter. I've applied for 9 different positions. I've been rejected from 5 so far. Such is life. Wish me luck on my job search!

(pictures of the apartment will come soon)


*amber* said...

But now you're my neighbor!!!!!

Rozanne said...

I loved going Spring semester. It's beautiful, and peaceful, and it was over quick enough for me not to get behind!