Tomorrow is going to be heinous. That is, I'm probably not going to stop moving for a LONG time. I've planned for a 20 hour day.
Somehow, right now, I am okay with this. Life is very good right now. I had a great day today. I had good church meetings, good time with roommates and a guitar, excellent dinner cooked by an excellent Ann, and Ave is currently packing tomorrow's lunch for me so I won't have to worry about it.
Tomorrow I am waking up very early, but I'm doing it so I can study and learn out of good books. Life can never be too bad when you have good books.
Tomorrow I will be running from class to test to class to study session to work to test, but I'm doing it at a great university where my professors care about what they teach.
Tomorrow I will probably come home worn out, with sore feet and messy hair, but I'll be coming home to a great set of friends who care about me.
Life is good. :)
I SO admire you Jessica. Really-you are a big inspiration to me. Good luck, and love you hon.
Hey nice last line that is a copy of my first line on my post :D... but... that's why you're not home! Woopsie, I texted you in class! :D... have a wonderful day seester!
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