Monday, July 20, 2009

Holy week of ferocity, Batman!

My parents are back from Hawaii! Woohoo! They have been in Hawaii for the past week for their 20th anniversary vacation, which is totally cool. Staying married to the same person, and very happily at that, for 20 years can definitely be considered an accomplishment in today's world. Go padres! Anyway, it was my responsibility and pleasure (ahem) to be in charge of the sibs and the house while my parents were gone. When the week started, I thought, "Psh, this ain't no thang! I've already lived on my own and cooked and cleaned and whatnot. This will be a buh-reeze." Hmm.... Well, things didn't come quite that easily. Here are a few highlights from the week.

  • went running, came back, dropped the padres off at the airport (where my mom totally saw David Archuleta!)
  • successfully drove Dad's car home without crashing it
  • cleaned the bathroom and kitchen
  • made dinner, even gave an FHE lesson Woot! Go Crofty. You've GOT this, girl!
  • FREAKED OUT about checking the locks on the house, couldn't fall asleep for fear of hostile criminals breaking in
  • I went to the gym at 5 am, worked out, then found that my cell phone had somehow fallen into pieces and was now useless. AWESOME.
  • found and successfully purchased the Ugliest and Worst Phone Ever Made from an old guy for $30 (this is a very temporary replacement phone)
  • cleaned the kitchen like, 30 times. Come on people! Let's try to be tidy!
  • I made BLT pizza, but somehow forgot to put cheese on it. HUH?! Umm... oh well. Less saturated fat for the siblings.
  • Sleepless night... checked the locks every two hours or so
  • successfully went running again
  • successfully rescued foolish brother who locked his keys in his car
  • went to see Up (such a good movie!) at the theatre with sibs, fed them way too many Twizzlers
  • Dropped the ball on dinner, since we were full of Twizzlers anyway. Yay, leftovers!
  • severe anxiety about break-ins once more
  • went to the gym at 5 am sharp
  • sat through a 2.5 hour meeting at the place where I volunteer
  • vacuumed, scrubbed, swept
  • went to the movies with the sibs again (HP6 this time), fed them way too many Twizzlers
  • dropped the ball on dinner... again. Sibs and I had sandwiches and leftovers.
  • I went for a really good run. I'm gettin' stronger, yo.
  • Umm, totally cleaned the whole house. Woot.
  • drove sibs around to various frivilous activities
  • Made some really yummo parmesan ranch chicken for dinner, and the sibs gobbled it up.
  • went for a short run (yeah, I know, all my runs are short)
  • took the sibs to buy tennis balls and go to the park, where the sibs overheated in about 30 minutes
  • successfully purchased a bed sheet to replace the one that I somehow shredded in my sleep (maybe I'll blog about that later)
  • hung out with the bestie for like, 90 minutes, drove her home
  • successfully went to dinner at my uncle's house (yummo enchiladas + relaxed conversation = love)
  • woke up absolutely giddy to see the padres
  • successfuly drove to the airport without crashing or getting lost or getting pulled over (ahem, Derek)
  • joyous reunion with the padres, went to church and chilled with the whole happy fam
What lovely adventures, right? Don't fret, there was a lot more that happened (oh boy was there more that happened), but I feel like I've already made this a long post. Umm, so keeping track of four sibs is a lot harder than keeping track of yourself, and cleaning a whole house is a lot harder than cleaning a teeny apartment (especially when the sibs are factored in). I can't believe my parents have been doing this for 19 years straight. Seriously. I learned this week that we kids have nothing to worry about because our parents have everything to worry about. Anyway, this week will probably go on my list of Best Weeks, not because it was easy or relaxing, but because it was memorable. And I'm glad my parents got to escape to paradise, because they totally deserve such a treat. Love you guys. :) (And yes, siblings, you can have some lovin' too. Thanks for not being demons this week.)


BS said...

Jessica, that is SOOO crazy!! I am glad you are all okay, but I am sad that you weren't able to sleep honey. Congratulations on being such an awesome daughter and sister, it sounds like you did a great job. :)

123 said...

Jessica, you are amazing, good job! The parmesan ranch chicken sounds good. . . do you share recipes??

Lauren said... are truly amazing...that is so crazy...I admire your courage and endurance....:)

averyl said...

we hung out on saturday? what did we do?