Monday, July 13, 2009

Run, ninja, run!

There are several people in my family who really like to run. I am not one of those family members... not yet, anyway. My parents, however, run several times a week, and for LONG distances. They're both in really great shape. My younger brother, Derek, runs 6 days a week, usually twice a day, and for even LONGER distances. Check out his blog to see how passionate he is about running. If you're like me--that is, not a runner--then hearing about how great my parents and brother are has just made you think to yourself, "Self, you should really go out for a jog or something so you look less pitiful compared to these running fiends. Maybe then you will understand the insanity behind peoples' obsession with running. And then maybe you will get a smokin' hot bod. Also, maybe you will become rich."

I do work out every day, so I'm used to physical exertion, but I usually do weight training and alternative methods of cardio--elliptical, aerobics, kickboxing, calisthenics, etc. I might actually say that I'm in decent shape. I've got some muscle.... (Yes, you can all start lining up for tickets to the gun show, cuz there's plenty to go around! Woooo!!) Cross-training is really important, though, so that gives me at least one good reason to start running. Anyway, last night, I told myself that I would get up this morning and go for a run, no matter how much my little brain likes to gripe about how disgusting running is. (I think I've been to too many cross country and track meets to see running as something graceful... There are SO many different body fluids all over the ground by the end of a meet that I hesitate to attempt a description for fear of grossing you all out.) Here's the surprising thing--I actually got up and ran this morning! Nuts! Maybe I do have a little self-discipline after all.

Anyway, all of you running people are going to laugh at my sorry attempt at athleticism, but I will describe my run regardless of my pitifulness. (Is that a word?) I ran for about 1.5 miles (I know it's pitiful--you can stop laughing!), and I actually didn't have to stop and walk. Amazing! The last time I "started running" after a period of inactivity, I could only go, umm... a quarter of a mile without feeling like I wanted to lie down on the ground and donate my running shoes to Deseret Industries, so I was quite surprised at how far I went this morning. I guess all of the weight training and cardio that I've been doing this summer has helped my overall fitness, even if I'm not in "running shape." I realize now that I probably should have kept going--I theorize that you only get stronger if you're out of your comfort zone by a wide margin--and I should have timed myself. Oh well.

Now that I realize that running is not that scary, and is only slightly disgusting, I think I can motivate myself to run a few times a week. I won't run on Tuesdays and Thursdays because I love my weight training class too much to give it up, and I'm definitely too wiped out after that class to even think about running. My goal, at least for now, is 6 miles a week. Stop laughing! That's a lot for me, okay?!?! I've publicly announced this goal so that I won't be able to avoid accomplishing it. (Speaking of publishing goals, I'll publish another one so I make sure to get it done.... I am getting my hair cut sometime next week. There.)

So, there you have it. I am not a running ninja like my brother or my padres, but I am workin' on it. Running updates (most of which will probably be hilarious) will follow.


BS said...

yeah!! this is exciting!! I've tried to start running too, and my attempts are even more pathetic than yours, so yours aren't pathetic :) I just try to run for between 20-30 minutes every other day. I'm not quite sure how to measure distance.... :)

jCroft(y) said...

Woohoo, running buddies! If you'd like a good way to measure distance, you can try It's pretty sweet. :)

123 said...

Nice work! I tried running the other day. . . um... let's just say I didn't get very far before I thought I was going to die!