Saturday, February 27, 2010

Meet Heimlich

So, our apartment has a new friend. His name is Heimlich. He is from Petsmart and he is staying with us for a few days until he becomes a birthday present for Cali's friend.

Guten Tag, ich heiße Heimlich.

Heimlich is a very talented fish. Let me relate an example of his great talent. This morning, my roommate fed him oatmeal flakes for breakfast (it's ok, fish can eat oatmeal). I was watching him eat, and he started opening his mouth really wide, and then he started rocking back and forth like a battering ram, and then his gills opened up all big-like, and then a HUGE piece of oatmeal flew out of his mouth.

Heimlich knows how to cough. What a smart fishy.

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